12 things about me

I want to get this blog going again – and I have a longer article in mind about using the disability chair to get out of the pool. But I can’t get myself to start writing it. So, I figured I would write something easy.

  1. I’m currently doing the elimination diet. When I cut all drivers of inflammation out of my diet, I felt a lot better. So far, introductions have been fine (yogurt, nightshades, tea, nuts) but the big ones (wheat, yeast, gluten, soy, sugar) are coming up soon.
  2. I adore cats of all types. I live with three Danny, Periwinkle, and Carina. Danny (orange tiger-striped) is my co-author because he hangs out with me, on a cat hammock, while I write.
  3. I used to love gardening, but now my disabilities have pushed me to the point where I can’t garden for very long or cope with the heat. I am really hoping that the elimination diet above will help me get myself to where I can spend more time in the garden.
  4. I was on Romper Room once when I was a kid. They have a cast of regulars and then bring in kids in groups to fill out space. I cannot remember her name, but she did say my name in the magic mirror. However, I couldn’t see or hear because she was talking into a box.
  5. The scariest thing in my life right now is that we are looking at buying a house. I’ve never done anything this big before, the closest was our car, seven years ago. I know exactly which house I want to buy – and, yes, I understand that home-buying doesn’t work this way.
  6. My favorite food is toast (or fresh bread) with real butter. (Report up to question 1 for the twist on this.)
  7. Swimming is my favorite sport. I can actually swim laps, as in more than one but perhaps not many more. I get to the pool as often as I can, but in a household with only one car and the pool is in the next town over, that is not as often as I like.
  8. In previous lifetimes–that other people tell me are still in this one–I worked as a GED instructor and tutor, an assistant professor in geography/environmental studies, a law clerk for Legal Aid, a food service worker, and in a bookstore. I liked selling books the best and wish I could do that again. For actual money.
  9. I don’t read as much as I used to, and that bothers me. Since I spend all morning writing, I am usually done with them in the afternoons. I need to find a way to have afternoon and/or evening reading time. Maybe books on tape will help?
  10. Have you heard of goblincore? I’m a goblin at heart. I love to pick up and collect things I find in nature. I also collect shiny rocks and pretty costume jewelry. When I was younger I would roll in mud and sit in the drain on the side of the street. I love showing off my pretties and I love trading as well.
  11. Oh, the book, it has a working title “Veil to the Otherworld” that will certainly change. I have finished a first draft and am halfway through a first edit/second draft. When will it be done? I don’t know. My best guess is sometime 2024. If everything goes well. Add a year to get an agent, a year to find a publisher, and 2 years of edits, it should be out around 2028.
  12. I am currently struggling over a piece of yarn-magic called foundation double crochet. Written and verbal instructions have failed. Now I’m going to YouTube where the sorcerers live. If you don’t hear from me, I am likely trapped in that morass.

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